Relationship Score MicroService
The Relationship Score microservice within the Falomen app represents a sophisticated feature designed to quantify and evaluate the compatibility and overall health of relationships between users. This service utilizes a complex algorithm that factors in a variety of inputs such as personal traits, preferences, numerology, astrological signs, and responses to specific relationship-related questions to calculate a comprehensive score. This score reflects the potential success, challenges, and dynamics of the relationship in question.
By integrating aspects of psychology, astrology, and numerology, along with direct user inputs, the AI-driven analysis delivers a nuanced assessment that goes beyond superficial compatibility tests. The Relationship Score microservice provides users with detailed insights into their relationship's strengths and areas that may require attention or improvement, offering actionable advice to enhance their connection.
This innovative approach to relationship analysis helps users understand the underlying factors that contribute to their relationship's dynamics, making the Falomen app a valuable tool for those seeking to deepen their interpersonal connections and navigate the complexities of their relationships with greater awareness and understanding.
1) Requirements:
- grpcio==1.62.0
- grpcio-tools==1.59.0
- numpy==1.23.5
- pandas==2.0.1
- prometheus_client==0.18.0
- matplotlib==3.7.1
- scikit_learn==1.2.2
- kerykeion==3.4.2
- openpyxl==3.1.2
- grpcio-reflection==1.62.0
2) API Documentation:
- Reference: Tarot MicroService API
3) Assets:
gRPC Proto Files:
- Falomen.proto
JSON Files:
- N/A
- N/A
4) Modules:
Claculates Chart Score based on Planets Placement in each subCategory
Attributes:- User_name_1 & 2 (str): Input Users Name (..._1 from User Profile)
- Birthyear_1 & 2 (int): Input Users Birth Year (..._1 from User Profile)
- BirthMonth_1 & 2 (int): Input Users Birth Month (..._1 from User Profile)
- BirthDay_1 & 2 (int): Input Users Birth Day (..._1 from User Profile)
- BirthHour_1 & 2 (int): Input Users Birth Houre (..._1 from User Profile)
- BirthMin_1 & 2 (int): Input Users Birth Minute (..._1 from User Profile)
BirthCity_1 & 2 (int): Input Users City (..._1 from User Profile)
input_language (str): User prefered language ("fa": for Persian, "tr": for Turkish, "en": for english, "arb": for arabic,)
- return (list): Returns Relationship score and translated report of relationship score
- User_name_1 & 2 (str): Input Users Name (..._1 from User Profile)